Malnutrition, disease, inadequate housing and unemployment mean that the families face a daily struggle for survival. A family locked into this situation will have to survive on less than £1 a day.
So desperate is the situation for these Ugandan families, that meeting the costs of sending their children to school, is virtually impossible.
...And the cycle of poverty continues unbroken.
Faced with the reality of their situation these families struggle to hold onto hope for a better future.
And yet...
TFCM UK works with local TFCM Uganda partners to bring practical help and love in Jesus’ name.
Our focus...
At TFCM we work amongst the most disadvantaged families within the communities we serve.
Priority is given to extended families where the children have invariably lost one or both parents and are cared for by other relatives (guardians). In these families, the guardians and carers are grandmothers, aunts, single parents, neighbours or even older siblings.
TFCM works with people of all faiths, or none, and regardless of their race, tribe, gender or age.
What we do...
Education - A tree of life
Schooling for children
One of our top priorities is to get children enrolled into school at an early stage, sponsoring them for nursery & primary education.
For many Ugandan children, their first taste of school life takes place 'under the mango tree'. This is how our nursery and primary school started off in 2008.
Caring for the elderly
“Every house needs a grandmother in it”
Many of the families we support at TFCM are headed up by grandmothers, most of whom are widows. After spending many years of hardship raising their grandchildren, a growing number of these grandmothers in our communities find themselves living alone, in poor health and without any adult family members left to care for them.
Working with our local partners, we are committed to meeting some of the most urgent practical needs of these special women, to show them love and appreciation for their selfless role within their families and community.
Training for family guardians
In the extended families we work with, the guardians find themselves in a vital and challenging caring role for which they are poorly equipped and supported. TFCM provides these guardians with education in
family healthcare and hygiene,
social rights and responsibilities
training in running micro projects to generate family income.
Locations And Partners
TFCM operates IN KALAGI, UGANDA. THIS IS 25 MILES AWAY FROM Kampala, the capital of Uganda.
Pastor Sam Ssekirime, his wife Robinah and Esther his daughter are TFCM local partners for Kalagi.
KALAGI is a small but expanding town in Mukono District, about an hour's drive from Kampala. The Father's Children nursery and primary school is located here.
And finally… This is the TFCM UK team. We are based in Somerset, UK. Founded by Brian Stokes in 2008, TFCM continues to reach out to the poor and marginalised who are in the communities that we serve in Uganda.